How Do Centipedes Get into The House?

remove centipedes, tips to control centipedes, get rid of centipedes
September 13 2021


How Do Centipedes Get into The House?

Centipedes aren’t pests, they are hell-spawn monsters. What else do you call these a hundred legs? Well, no wonder everyone wants to get rid of house centipedes. But don’t get your own hands dirty. For we can do it for you.

Just reach out to control my pest through call or online form, and we will be at your door the next morning ready to fight these pests with our pest control experts.

For those of you who want to do it themselves, lets see what are different methods to do so, these are, as mentioned below:

1. Block the door

Have you ever heard the saying, prevention is better than cure? This applies in the world of pests too. Just think about it, if there are no centipedes, you won’t have to catch a centipede.

What we mean is that, if you can stop them from getting inside your house, your job is done. For that, we have to figure out how they get inside.

Now, centipedes have many legs, but not one hand. So they can’t enter by breaking in the front or back door. They don’t have wings so they can’t fly inside either.

This leaves just a few options, and these are holes in the walls, gaps in the door frame, and cracks in windows. Makes sense, right?

These are the primary ways, from where these ugly pests can get inside your house. Therefore, all you need to do is block these entryways. you can seal them with a clay seal, or call a professional. Whatever the way, get the job done.

Moreover, you should pay special attention to areas like the kitchen, bathrooms, and basements. Reason being that these areas have excess moisture, which attracts centipedes.

Therefore, calling a plumber is a good option to fix any leaks if present. 

2. Introduce predators

Now, that you have stopped more centipedes from entering your house, it’s time to deal with the one remaining inside. This can be easily done by introducing predators.

What’s a better way to deal with pests than their natural enemies.This is the best method for centipedes removal. You won’t need to spray anything or lay a trap. Just by few predators. Now, this makes one question, which animals are considered predators for centipedes.

Well, there are quite a few. To name a few, shrews, toads, badgers, and birds. But you can’t get them inside your house, can you? we think not.

This is where this predator comes in, the spider. While it might work both ways, eating centipedes, and terrifying you, its quite a good way of dealing with centipedes. After all, spiders don’t bother you as centipedes do.

You have to choose which way you want to suffer.  No one said it was easy to get rid of house centipedes.

3. Declutter

Decluttering is another one of those things, that you can do to discourage centipedes and a variety of other ugly pests.

There is a quite simple reason behind this, that is called the shelter. Yeah, you read that right. Clutter of all kinds around your property provides a good hiding spot for these pests called centipedes.

In addition to this, clutters are hard to navigate for humans, so it also provides safety for these pests. now, we don’t want to provide centipedes a permanent home, do we?

This is why you should consider decluttering. Not only this will make your house look much better, but it is also quite good for your house. so, do it, and its good for everyone.

4. Remove Food source

We discussed how centipedes get inside your house but have you ever wondered, why do they get inside your house?

This is a good question to ask, and you should think about it. nevertheless, we shall be answering this one for you.

Centipedes are simple creatures, they want what everyone wants. A place to live, water to drink, and food to eat.

Now they already have shelter in clutters, and dark corners of your house. we shall be discussing the water later, but the food. Where do get this food from?

You see, to catch a centipede, you have to think like one. These creatures aren’t vegan. They eat other smaller insects. Therefore, if your house has an abundance of other smaller pests, it will attract centipedes.

So, an easy way to deal with this problem is to get rid of them. this is to do two things. Discourage centipedes from getting inside your house, as well as stopping other pest infestations too. A WIN-WIN situation for you.

5. Excess Moisture

Remember we were talking about the water in the last section? Well, here it is. centipedes like many other pests prefer dark and damp areas.

In addition to this, they drink water from your house, which is obvious. They do this through standing water as well as leaking pipes. This is the reason why we asked you to fix any leaks earlier.

Moreover, doing this is quite a good move because excess moisture attracts a variety of other pests too. You don’t want to know, which ones. Or you will be the one leaving the house, not the other way around.


6. Control My Pest

Lastly, if you can’t get rid of house centipedes on your own, call the professionals. Control my pest is the way to go.

We are the leading pest control organization in this country. In addition to providing top-quality services, we also offer them at quite an affordable rate.

This is what makes us one of the most trusted companies in the market. Plus, we are IPM compliant. So if you want to catch a centipede, reach out to us and we will deal with it.

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